Professor's Missing Daughter - Fistful of Lead

recently i ordered several desert buildings to be made from a shop on Etsy.
the folks at Panhandle3d made these awesome buildings.
at a decent price and fast delivery i couldn't recommend anyone else.
and very nice to paint on to.
but anyways nothing wrong with a shameless plug for a great shop.

wanted to put together a quick game me and the lady played the other night.
the Professor's daughter was being held somewhere.
a group of marauding locals are looking to cash in on the bounty and a group of
Her Majesty's finest sent to retrieve her at any cost.

once either side has capture the daughter they must take her back to their deployment area to win.

layout of the table

another view of the table,
Rita setting up her locals (playing the villains for a change).

few locals going around a buildings towards an abandoned tank.

her leader going out around searching for the missing daughter.

the Commodore peering down the street looking at what could be his last moment in life.

"i think i heard something!"

the native leader looks to outsmart the distinguished gentlemen.

grueling slugfest as close quarter fighting erupts in the
town square with also several shots fired.

with a shot from mr. Van Pelt, the leader's companion dog was killed.
but sometime later he also was stuck by a well aimed shot from Thornton Lee.

intense standoff as the Professor's daughter was found.

more bloodshed as the numbers start to dwindle.

the Commodore and mr. Van Pelt watch as the daughter is snatched away.


  1. Great report and you have the good lady playing as well! Bonus!

    1. thanks man.
      haha hell yeah man.,she really enjoys the FFoL system. simple yet competitive.

  2. Very cool! Those buildings look great.

    1. thanks buddy, for the price I couldn't pass them up.


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