[downloading: update patch v8.13]

 for about a month now i have been running some rpg's
with my girlfriend and several of our friends.
lately we had sessions where we all ventured into underground temples
and ancient tombs.
our last game we had a secret Nazis operation taking
place inside ancient pyramid.
i wanted to make a what i would call a "portable" computer or even something
an evil scientist could use for something more sinister for
a later game.

to make this i took bits from a Games Workshop Kill Team terrain set.
the main computer and the two pylons are from the terrain set,
the small computer on the floor stand was from a 40k Basilisk tank.

i also added some bits from the Basilisk tank set on top of the computer.

the pylons connected to the main piece by small pieces of electrical wiring from
an old computer keyboard i had stashed away in a closet.

Stahl Mask is being shown the updates he has been impatiently waiting for.

a scientist is showing professor Achenbach the results of
the super soldier serum.


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