tomb guards and camels

recently got myself a pack of tomb guards from Reaper Miniatures,
to add more characters for my Pharaoh's legion.
only got one pack which has four miniatures but just two poses.
so i'm happy with that.

this collection of mummies and mummified characters just keeps
getting bigger and bigger and that's okay.

and also got a few camels for what could be scatter terrain.
these camels are equipped with baggage on them.
could use them as objectives or just part of the scenery.

i am not a fan of Reaper Miniatures Bones figure line,
got some miniatures that were bent and tried to get them back
into shape but with no results.
i try to stay away from Bones but i couldn't help myself with these and had to get a few.

members of the Knights of the Crescent Moon out on patrol,
watching with a keen eye for any wrong doing in the country side.

the Black Scorpion and few members of the Thousand Sons,
waiting on each other to report on the whereabouts of the infamous plane
the "Screaming Rooster" and it's pilot, Garrett Cunningham.


  1. Early Bones were a lot worse, they've improved dramatically over the past couple years. Older Bones sculpts though, are still only available in the older iterations of the Bones material. Holding them in hot water to soften the material, straightening the bent part and then submerging it in ice water to set the material can help sometimes.

    1. yeah i've tried that. for some reason i can't get it to work. idk.
      the camels were bent at the knees, so i took a lighter and heated them for a few secs and held them in place how i wanted them and that worked.
      last year i bought a Dark Young miniature and damn that was warped all hell, couldn't fix it if i tried.

  2. These all look great Tim! Love the camels especially.

    1. thanks man. they were cool to paint. might get more but don't add the baggage, idk we'll see.


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