Chronicles of HATE - clash three
to start off our clash three, Rita and i decided to try some heavy smashing with our Princes so we picked the Duel of the Tyrants scenario. a very multi-tier landscape with our Princes right next to each other. the only way to kill the Princes is using the catapults on the sides. first battle seems easy enough to pull a win... set-up of the battleground. Char made his presence known... the Bul'Gar tribe cautiously approaches the plateau. tried to lure the Um'Tall's towards the awaiting Bul'Gar tribe, Rita didn't take the bait. she held her own. Char made a bloody path towards anything that breathed. even the Princes could only be killed by the catapults, that didn't mean others could live. by some sneaky and cheesy maneuvers, Rita was able to take down Char and a few of my tribesmen. also was lucky to down my Prince, and stand tall victorious. i did tell her at the end i held back a lot . i really wanted her to win a battle. second battle for our second battle w...