Knights of Kirin

after i painted my orc warbands for the ORCtober challenge,
i pulled together a miscellaneous group of
villainous proportion.

i had this group painted for a few months,
but only now came around to take pics and post them on here.
and i figure since i am going through a fantasy themed moment
might as well post now.

i wanted this group a very mix of characters and races,
and what can to be was a group of humans, beastmen, and an orc.

Knights of Kirin.
Mordek has hired some muscle to aid him in finding the mythical Wyrmrest Blade.
some say it is lost forever in time, but forbidden texts reads that a powerful
wizard knows the whereabouts of it.

a seer of the dark magik,
Kirin Tenebris.

a beastman banished from his tribe.

Brak, orc mercenary of the Bad Moon clan

Wulfrik, a Chaos champion.

a minotaur who is in service to Kirin Tenebris
and also disliked by Malagor.


  1. Great-looking bunch! I like the paler skin tones on the beast man and minotaur especially.

    1. thanks buddy. I didn't want to go like dark brown all over, I used a watered down Citadel Roboute Guilliman's Flesh contrast paint.

  2. Oh man, I remember those old ork moon shields, great stuff.

    1. haha thanks man. i am really appreciative of the old Citadel stuff than i am with the current stock. the older Citadel miniatures gave you the opportunity to give the figures character and life.

  3. Fab work buddy. Love these old style sculpts as well

    1. thanks man, i am really happy i am able to get my hands on such great miniatures.
      i really appreciate these old sculpts.


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