hoard of randomness pt. II

 still painting the back log of miniatures i was fortunately
able to get in on.
this time around in i got several monsters and few vehicles completed.
i painted these several weeks ago but never got around to post pics on the blog.

was very pleased to get several Ral Partha miniatures in the past and
still amazes me to this day on how great Ral Partha miniatures are.
the Jabberwocky miniature might be one of the few monster figures i have
i actually had fun painting.

love the old classic miniatures that are either one piece or 2 pieces.
makes everything simple when time comes to assembling and paint.

ever since i got into pulp tabletop wargaming
and extending my collection with mummies and Egyptian themed miniatures,
i always wanted a scorpion king.
luckily i found one within Reaper Miniatures catalog.

and to round out the bunch,
finally got these WWII German motorcycles finished.
i dragged my feet on these for a month or so,
but got them done.
will add these to my German pulp figures and hopefully
sometime in the future i can get them on the table.


  1. Replies
    1. thanks, just a simple coat of Citadel Contrast Ork Flesh (double coat on the wing), the eyes and teeth and then Nuln Oil. went back over the eyes to make them pop out more.

  2. Great collection. I have that Jabberwock waiting for me to paint it as well.

    1. nice. when u get ur Jobberwock done, i wanna see it.

  3. The jabberwocky looks awesome, you seem to be getting that a bit 😀. I am terribly jealous because it remains a beautiful sculpt. I'd love to get hold of one and give it a whirl too.

    1. thanks man, such a great but simple miniature. if for some weird reason i came across another i'll let u know.
      also read some of ur posts on ur blog, its awesome ur getting back into hobby blogging. keep it up, looking forward to seeing some of ur sci-fi and fantasy adventures. +1 follower.


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