Mighty Fortress

 late summer last year i was able to acquire a Games Workshop
Mighty Fortress.
i was reluctant on taking the fortress at first,
but i was talked into it.
only now i took the time to actually put it together and
be amazed by all of it's glory.

had to look up online to see when this set came out.
and it surprises even though for it's age and material it is in pretty good condition.
came out in 1988, i feel like a collector for owning such a classic piece of GW.

made out of foam,
after all these years it is great shape.
complete with accessories such as doors, gates and even ladders.

all layout, its under three feet long and just about 1.5ft wide.
i didn't paint it or anything.
i left it as is because i don't want to damage and ruin the fortress.

"this stronghold will fall tonight, surrender to us or die!"

"milady, the ravenous horde is here!"

"i summon the great lord of the winds, cast down with your might!"

"break down that door, Roshakuna!!"

"nothing can't with stand the raw power of a minotaur armed with a great axe."


  1. So cool! I had the siege book, but never got the fortress.

    1. i remember the siege book and the plastic fortress they did along with siege weapons and such.
      that set was really cool. this is just foam walls and ladders hahaha.

    2. Damage? I don't think you would damage it by painting it up. You could make it look incredible as it should. Collectors keep things in sealed boxes and clamshells. You've already set it on the table and lined up your soldiers on the ramparts. Toys are meant to played with and are the secret to staying young at heart. Collectors just get old 😃.

    3. damage wasn't the right word. i wouldn't want to mess it up with paint, it looks nice as is.
      it is too cool not to use in a game.


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