Company of the Blood Oath

many months ago i bought some WizKids Dungeons and Dragons miniatures
for Rita, her boys and myself when we would play some fantasy role-playing games.

i wanted to get a decent amount of miniatures for game play ranging from
spellcasters to melee characters.

besides role-playing games i mainly will use these for the Fistful of Lead:Fantasy game.
these are great for a huge variety of characters to use in FFoL:Fantasy instead of
the usual one race groups like all humans or dwarves.

and also with D&D having different race/class combinations it's kind of
unusual seeing a elf warlock or a gnome druid on the tabletop along side
the more usual dwarf paladins and human wizards,
and i think that's what using these miniatures would make the game even better.

and of course as i was painting these i started to name them and almost gave
them back stories.

Odin Hornsby
Human Paladin,
a natural born leader and follower of the Light.

Karandris Whitewood
Elf Wizard,
an elf who took a different path in life.
instead of learning the path of the Wilds,
Karandris read ancient tomes of the Arcane.

Othello Lancaster
Human Fighter,
a swordsman for hire, anything for a quick coin.

Helmsley Whispermouse and Henley Oakdash
Halfling Rogues,
no job is too small or large, it's all the same.

Maurganra, Born of Twilight
Elf Warlock (with demonic familiar),
according to history all elves are born just as the sun begins to rise,
but for Maurganra, he was born into darkness.

Hannadel Shadowstorm
Elf Druid,
Hannadel chose the path of the Wilds.
becoming one with nature and the earth mother.

more to come...


  1. Looks good! I think the meta has changed substantially if elven wizards are uncommon. I haven't played D&D in years. This sets that that point home :D .

    1. unfortunately i never got a chance to play a D&D campaign or what not so i wouldn't know the rarity of elf wizards, i just grabbed packs of what ever off the shelf and took home. hah

  2. Very nice, those D&D minis look great.
    Great to see some of the less common race/class combos.
    Have you seen the older WotC prepainted minis? Some interesting stuff in those ranges, and they still crop up on evilbay. Not always the best sculpts though.

    1. thanks man, yeah i saw a few of the prepainted.
      i really like these D&D figs because of the variety of class i have on deck to be painted next a gnome never would of seen that coming! they're great.

  3. Very nice! Love the elf warlock is my fav out of the set.

    1. thanks, the elf warlock is my favorite so far.
      but i got some dwarfs on the way, so that might change...


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