These Aren't the Ladies You're Looking For! - Fistful of Lead

this past weekend Rita and i wanted to get a game of Fistful of Lead in and she wanted to do her favorite scenario from the Galactic Heroes book, but instead using Star Wars figures we decided to do a pulp adventures instead. in this scenario there are four females on the table the good guys have to find and get some information from. and then if a certain card is play for unit activation, the ladies all scatter and move in random directions. layout of the table. i'm also proud to say this was Rita's first set-up that she did on her own. she laid out all the buildings, tents, and trees. members of the Ahnenerbe led by Stefan Klaus. the Parable Custodians (minus Dax 819, the robot i always have in this group), Hando Solomon, Rita Lynn, Panzer, and the last outlaw from the dense jungles of Africa, Morado along with Harrison Jones. the Ahnenerbe patrol the streets looking for a group of misfits. Panzer and Morado go out and around a few buildings, looking for the woman with t...