rebels vs. galactic empire - X-Wing miniature game

 this past weekend, Rita and i decide to play a game we rarely play.
so we broke out the X-Wing miniature game 1st. edition
and set up a basic 1v1 game.

she played the rebels and imperial empire for myself.
this time around i wanted to play with ships i never got a chance to play with.
so i went with TIE interceptors.

Rita took two B-Wings, two A-Wings and a Y-Wing.
to make things easy and because of time restraint,
we didn't use upgrade cards.

Fel's Wrath going head to head with a Y-Wing,
as a royal guard interceptor closes in.

Soontir Fel harasses an A-Wing

her two B-Wings closes in.
among them she took Ten Numb which opened up with a target lock
on one of my ships.

by round two or so,
all hell broke loose.

out maneuvered the royal guard pilot, Kir Kanos
was surrounded by A-Wings.

i couldn't get shots off to get her ship's shield down fast enough,
but Rita was beginning to peel away the hull points of mine.

what i thought was gonna be a kill,
turned out to be misfires.

at this point of the game,
it was chaotic with flying close and missing each other,
and then you think you have some shots and then you don't.

forgetting the A-Wing,
i was after a certain B-Wing that was damaged.

more crazy maneuvering.

after Rita moved her one B-Wing,
i questioned her logic on this and she replied,
"i misjudged the distance, i thought i had some space left over to turn around."

at the end of the game she did me pretty good.
she scored a critical hit on one of my ships which was a pain to over come.
overall i gave her the win since she did more damage to my ships.

i still like the 1st. edition game of X-Wing miniature game.
even though there are several things that need clarifications with the FAQ's
but it's still a great game.


  1. Love the 1st edition rules, still a great game.

    1. 1st edition was great, had some bugs but still awesome.


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