These Aren't the Ladies You're Looking For! - Fistful of Lead

this past weekend Rita and i wanted to get a game of Fistful of Lead
in and she wanted to do her favorite scenario from the
Galactic Heroes book,
but instead using Star Wars figures we decided to do
a pulp adventures instead.

in this scenario there are four females on the table the good guys have
to find and get some information from.
and then if a certain card is play for unit activation,
the ladies all scatter and move in random directions.

layout of the table.
i'm also proud to say this was Rita's first set-up that she did on her own.
she laid out all the buildings, tents, and trees.

members of the Ahnenerbe led by Stefan Klaus.

the Parable Custodians (minus Dax 819, the robot i always have in this group),
Hando Solomon, Rita Lynn, Panzer,
and the last outlaw from the dense jungles of Africa, Morado
along with Harrison Jones.

the Ahnenerbe patrol the streets looking for a group of misfits.

Panzer and Morado go out and around a few buildings,
looking for the woman with the information.

Panzer reaches the first of four targets but unfortunately she knew nothing.
not sure if it was his rough introduction or brandishing a submachine gun towards her.

Morado squares off with some german soldiers.
Hando Solomon was able to reach a very attractive lady, but apparently wasn't his type.

 some of the ladies fled off in fear trying to take cover.
Harrison Jones was making his way to a lady of interest,
but she ran away.

the Nacht Jagers laid down some rifle fire,
pinning Rita Lynn in between two buildings and wounding Solomon across the street.

Morado taken out by a well placed pistol shot by Klaus.

Solomon recovers and makes his way for cover.

Solomon takes a wound and nearly dies in the street.

Panzer attempts to throw a grenade but stumbles and it goes off in front of him.

the Custodians regroup along with Harrison on the opposite side of town.

"something didn't feel right about this job..." Hando says.
"what do you mean, Han? Rita Lynn asked.


  1. This is always a fun scenario. Personally I do like the droids, or ladies in this case, to move around a bit more.
    Great fun write up as well.

    1. I always thought of using not only the joker to have the npcs randomly move, but assign an Ace card to a specific npc to cause a little bit more chaos. haha.


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