[downloading: update program patch v8.13.23]

 since winter is here i don't do much painting since it is too cold to go outside
and spray paint base coats so i take the season and either go back and retouch
some older models or get more games in, in between D&D sessions.

i went back and redid the base of the computer i made back in February of last year.
based it on a small L-shaped piece.

i popped off the bases i had on previously,
just didn't like how i did not have control of placement of the connected parts
of the computer because of the light weight of the pieces and the strength of the wires pulling in certain directions.

i think putting it on a solid base also consolidate space to put more
scatter pieces if need in a enclosed area.
i do want to make few more mechanical-computer pieces in the future.

"professor, if this computer mainframe is not in a proper working order,
you and that walking bucket of bolts and sprockets will not see the
sunrise tomorrow morning."

" <professor is he talking about me, a bucket of bolts?
i am not a walking bucket of bolts an....> "

"shut up you! connect these wires.!!"


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