claws, talons, and that beak: giant griffon

 another model from the Mythic Games board game, Time of Legends: Joan of Arc.
this time around i took the huge griffon.
i do not own a griffon figure from Wizkids but i'm sure this fellow
is a little bigger than the offical griffon miniature.

gave this monstrous beast a 1.5mm base so it matches rest of my D&D collection,
with some texture and a small pebble for some character.

i used GW Citadel paints for it.
base coat of Space Wolves Grey contrast paint,
did about 3/4 of the wings and the head with Corax White and
did some drybrush also with the Corax on the feathers on the body.
Kislev Flesh for the beak.

the base like all my D&D miniatures was done with GW Citadel Technical paint,
for a texture instead of using sand like i do with my miniatures
that are mounted on 3mm bases.
i use a base coat of Armageddon Dust, then a touch up and base edges
with Citadel color called XV-88.
i do a smaller touch up with Pewter Grey from Apple Barrel
and finally a nice drybrush with Granite Gray also from Apple Barrel.

a tiefling ranger and an elf fighter comes across
something they were not prepared for...


  1. Wow, nice gryphon, and well painted too.

    1. thanks, was kinda afraid how a gray/white griffin would look.
      you always see them with browns and such. i took a chance and went a different route.
      he does look menacingly on the tabletop.


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