legion of bones

recently i was able to get some more undead miniatures
from the Mantic Games Undead Encounter plastic set.
expanding my skeletons with ten more to giving me a nice small
horde of flailing bones and armor.

i have more zombies in queue to get painted and done.
and with the ghouls instead of adding them to my D&D/fantasy collection,
i glued them to 3mm MDF bases and will add them to my pulp collection.

the expanded legion of skeletons.

with most of the skeletons having fixed poses,
i was able to make different dynamic poses with a few.
a sword thrust into the air or even having an axe stuck in one's head,
it was fun to be able to do this.

spellcasters of the dark magic summoning the soldiers of days past,
awaken once again to do their bidding.


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