cutthroats and thieves

few weeks ago i bought several more packs of Wizkids Dungeons and Dragons miniatures and got my girlfriend a pack of harengon characters. harengons are like rabbitfolks, which Rita was in awe with them. this time around i bought all sorts of different classes and races including, human barbarians, different lycanthropes, dwarves (just because you can't have enough), and some different classes such as rogues and fighters. out of this recent pile of shame i got several painted for a group to get on the table to game with. a motley crew of thieves and cutthroats with Rook, the death domain cleric. Valeriya, female half-orc fighter and Pierce M., male human bard. Usagi, female harengon rogue and Ottolycus Firahel, male half-elf rogue. band of misfits stumbles across a recently summoned warband of skeleton warriors. out of the recent miniature haul, i bought another pack of dwarf clerics, i painted up another one of these figures. i love this miniature in particular because it g...