D&D campaign two conclusion

this past weekend our D&D group had their campaign finale and it was balls out fun!
during this campaign i didn't pull punches when it came to creating story lines.
i was given stern looks for the most part.
but in the end everyone had an understanding on why things went the way it did.

halfway through the campaign i let the players also pick a secondary character they
would be interested in playing also.
so at one point we would have one group of characters investigating a
creepy manor for a certain npc,
there would be another group discovering the plot on why the king was kidnapped.

sometimes i would bend the rules to make some story arcs work out,
but i tried my best to have it make sense in the end.

for the finale i had written out several ideas and in the end i decided on
having the game session broken up into two acts.

all the photos were taking by my wonderful girlfriend, Rita.

act one was the group finding the evil tiefling necromancer that had Breena,
murdered for the one item that she was guarding literally with her life,
the Wand of Orcus.

many spells were cast (and dispelled) which nearly killed several
members of both parties.
i finally got to experience the feeling of casting Fireball into a group.
the faces of the players were enough for me.
good times.

the tiefling necromancer demanded the Prince of the Undead to grant him the gifts
he deserves as a follower of the Prince.

act two was the Blood Lord himself bring those down into his realm.
the heroes who were killed by the arcane assassins were given a second chance.
even though he is the Lord of the Undead, he also gives life...in not so traditional ways.

everyone randomly landing on a pillar.

Vorlent, the tiefling necromancer, who demands the Blood Lord to grant him powers,
for it is he who possess the great Wand of Orcus.

the view of the battlefield.

spells being cast across the pillars of decaying rock,
damaging the spellcasters of Vorlent.
the dwarf cleric battled a fel orc and the legendary Crinkleshorts took an
incredible barrage of magic missiles.

the Blood Lord himself.


  1. It sounds like a great finale. I've really enjoyed reading your accounts of D&D play.
    So what's next? Do you have another campaign planned?

    1. it was, their faces when they saw the Orcus figure was the payoff for me.
      we're planning on having Jon, a group player/D&D veteran, DM a campaign of his own and i get to play as a PC.,and then after that i'll run a campaign. but the idea is that now since we have multiple characters the next two campaigns will run along side each other in story line.
      think Jon's taking us to a far away place on a map, where my campaign is gonna stay local, if that makes sense.
      yeah i don't wanna flood my blog with just D&D material but its what i've been doing majority of the time now, but if folks like the D&D posts then i guess i'll open the flood gates.
      maybe i'll do regular posts on the next campaign since i'll be able to have time and take some pics while gaming.


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