Orcus, the Blood Lord

 for sometime now i have been debating how what to do for my Dungeons and Dragons
campaign finale as far as the main boss.
and the Wand of Orcus has been the somewhat center piece of what would
become problems for our D&D group for good part of a year now.

and since i like to keep all my D&D miniatures and models exclusively Wizkids,
i was going back and worth on actually getting an Orcus figure.

but couldn't seeing myself spending $70+ for a figure that i will probably only
use once or twice.
i went to Etsy.com to see what i could fine,
and i came across a vendor called BunionsandCabbage.
and they had a very nice looking Orcus.
so i took a chance on them and ordered one.
this was the very first time i ordered a 3-d printed item on Etsy.

click here to check out BunionsandCabbage's page on Etsy.com

the Demon Prince of Undeath

i didn't know if i wanted to paint this fellow like i did with all my other Wizkids figures,
or do the slapchop method like i've been doing with my wild west stuff lately.

the Wand of Orcus.

i didn't want him to wear a lot of metal armor,
i went and did his armor with a black and a light white drybrush,
but did his belt with some gold trim and his skull icon.

the Blood Lord's wings unfurled with undeath and dismay.

the end for this group of adventurers....
or not...


  1. Lovely painting on a nice mini. Well done.
    I don't fancy the adventurers chances.

    1. thanks, I could've done more on the wings but decided not to. overall very pleased on how he came out. I still look at him like he's a lifetime achievement award lol.

  2. That's a cracking job on Orcus - I especially like the wings, and a suitably awesome looking baddie for your D&D Boss fight. I found buying 3D prints on Etsy very dangerous, LOL, as it soon convinced me to buy a 3D printer and start producing my own.

    1. thank you, i took a chance ordering the 3d print. luckily there wasn't much damage.
      lord knows i couldn't own a printer, that thing would never be shut off lol.
      maybe in the future i'll order another print of something else and see how that goes.


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