more miscellaneous characters for D&D

 took a break from painting the wild west miniatures and the buildings i recently got,
i spent the day finishing up some D&D miniatures for this
weekend's campaign finale.

since reading about the spellcasters of Thay in the D&D books,
i was always intrigued and wanted a small coven of wizards
based off of them.

kept with the theme of red robes of sorts and using what would look
like evil looking miniatures,
i picked a tiefling sorcerer to be my leader and also the main villain of
my campaign.

most likely i'll add more to this group as time goes on.

the miniature i used was a Wizkids Frameworks miniature.
a little pricey but they look nice once built and painted.

confronting a spirit of an equally venomous wizard,
the archmage leads the group of necromancers into a battle of wits
with the flameskull.

a death knight from Wizkids.
finally found a leader for all my skeletons.
i almost want to get another set of skeletons just to create a fairly size horde
of bones and weapons.

was gonna add some skulls and such on his base but decided not to.

a regiment of bones and their leader.

another dwarf for the clan.

and recently i bought yet another pack of dwarves.
this particular fellow was holding a 2h mace but it was warped,
so i clipped it off and replaced the hands with a sword and shield.

a fearless group of dwarves stumbles across a half ogre,
time to show him who's boss!


  1. Terrific collection of figures. I especially liked the death knight and can easily see why you'd have him as a leader of your skeletons (which look excellent too btw). Great paint-job on all of them though. Interesting to see someone buying from Wizkids Frameworks miniature range. They never seem to be touched at my local store and indeed have gone on sale this week - presumably to shift them. They're not GW plastic kit prices but I do feel they're pricey for what they are - so I'd be interested in your thoughts..?

    1. thank you very much.
      to be honest i only use the Wizkids Frameworks when i want to do a PC for a fellow player in our D&D group or a special character for a campaign. i did break down and get the orc set last year and have yet to paint them. i think its the variety of options is what i like about Frameworks but the cost is a major party pooper.


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